Jannatul Firdaus

this morning I woke up cause my cell phone rang like crazy, indolently I peep at my cell screen and found my yayang’s name on it. Immediately I pressed the ‘yes’ button to answer but after I said hello there was no answer, in fact there was a gap for a couple seconds and then I heard she said [whispered exactly];
“bang, Ami Jawa meninggal tadi pagi” [bang, Ami Jawa was passed away this morning]
[To you (Allah) we belong and to you (Allah) we shall return]
"Inna lillaahi maa akhadhaa, wa lillaahi maa a'taa, wa kullu shay'in 'indahu li 'ajalin musammaa"
"To Allah belongs what He took, and to Him belongs what He gave. And everything He has given an appointed term"
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala grant our beloved Ami Said Badruzzaman Almahdali Jannatul Firdaus [a high station in paradise] and reward him abundantly for his services to Islam.
Indeed this is very sad news. May Allah give his family patience during this difficult time.
Nov 06,2005
" When Allah takes away from His believing servant his beloved one of the people of the earth, if he displays patience and ihtisab, Allah will not then accept any reward for him less then Jannah."
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