Go Susanto Go !!!

It's a delayed blog
Hmmmm, to many things to do so I didnt have a change to write and upload :) hehehe, an execption to said lazy..
Ok, the story began when I visited
Ok Ok .. shortly, I went to
On the next day I went to Tj. Balai Karimun, and then shortly noticed there are something changes here. The city is a litle bit quiet compared to my last visit. And then I realize that the entire casino is closed and there was only one or two chick on the corner.
Wow, what's going on?, are God at last remember Karimun? A naughty thought splash in my mind.
After several question here and there I found out that because Susanto's order (he is our Kapolri, an Indonesian National Police Chief) all the casino and everyhing which connected to the gambling must be stoped, and the corrupt police who ussualy back up the "tauke" (person who owned the casino) if got cought will be fired immidiatelly, no mercy. And most of the people believe that it's not just a lipstick, he really meant that.
The impact is unbelievable, hotels ocupation dropped drastically, restaurants almost empty, tens of ojek (motorcycle rent) queue waiting for passengger, one or two criminal action emerged etc etc. Bassically this island is going to colapse; it’s an enjoinment of gambling dominos effect.
On my opinion our Kaporlri is on the right track, despite his order creates shake in economic and securitry facets, I believe it's only temporary, people will find the way to survive. Maybe it’s a bitter pill, but to build something good we must obliterates the bad, no matter what.
So, keep going Sutanto …
Berau / supposed to be Tj. Balai Karimun
September 27, 2005
Ps. I went to s’pore again after this :) .. hhmmmm
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