lesson of life

I’ve got a very good lesson last night. It’s a bloody goddamned good lesson.
Wise man said that experience is a good teacher, no doubt about that, but if it’s a very bad experience … still .. it’s hurt, but hey the show must go on .. you cannot let yourself drift in pain and sorrow.
- Treat people exactly the same way that you want people you, otherwise forget about friendships and long term relationship, remember that we are equal.
- God give us two ears and only one mouth, so listen and listen to your opponent speak and give them react the same way that you want them react to your story [remember point 1].
- Keep your big mouth shout up when you didn’t know exactly the situation, especially when you’re involving other person. It can be a chaos and ruin your life … and it can h u r t you so badly.
- Do not over self confidence; even thought you think you knew what others people thinks. It’s always better asked than guess…. Believe me .. it’s true.
- Some people believe that ‘silent is a golden’, I don’t believe that. For me silent is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. Yeah right … I know it’s not gonna be easy to said and express what you fell especially what you wanna said or express might hurt your opponent. And the way how to choose or find the right time and sentence is an art in a relationship. It’s Ok if sometimes you pick a wrong timing, at least you’d tried. You cannot be a master in one night, it’s a lifetime practice and again at least you’d tried.
- Be honest….
may 27, 2005
Labels: enlightenment
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