ATM BCA? daku kecewa ...

at friday around 10 minutes after breaking my fasting my friend called me, she said that she was near to my house and asked me to accompanied her deliver a ‘lebaran cakes’ to several places at Bekasi area. Actually she asked me cause she doesn’t know the area, so I said OK. Shortly after we finished delivering the goods we went for dinner and again she asked me to accompanied her to her house cause her husband will come home late and cannot meet her at my house. Boy, do you know where her house is? Pamulang .... and its around 40 km from my house, but ok-lah, friend is a friend.
for your information I was driving her car not mine, so I need to take a cab to go home, but … I didn’t brought enough money so on the way home I was looking for a BCA ATM.
pyuh I already mention that the distance is around 40 km but I there was no BCA ATM along the way. no no no, we found at least 4 but all of them were closed, can you imagined, a close ATM ? So what does the ATM stand for?
I asked to the cab driver to search at Tebet area which is an opposite way to my home, but still I cannot found it. So I give up, I went to Mandiri ATM and the problem solved, just like that.
friday 13, 2006
Labels: personal life
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