this is it
and she said: "Yes ... I do"

"Wajahku bersujud kepada Yang menciptakannya, membuka pendengaran dan penglihatannya dengan daya dan kekuatan-Nya"
may 28, 2005
Labels: enlightenment
Labels: enlightenment
Labels: lyric
I’ve got a very good lesson last night. It’s a bloody goddamned good lesson.
Wise man said that experience is a good teacher, no doubt about that, but if it’s a very bad experience … still .. it’s hurt, but hey the show must go on .. you cannot let yourself drift in pain and sorrow.
may 27, 2005
Labels: enlightenment
Labels: poem
In the name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful:
Ali ibn Abu Thalib said that Rasulallah saw said :
"The tongue of the wise is behind his heart and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue"
"Affliction caused by the tongue is worse than (that caused by) the strike of the blade of a sword."
I said: "Don't play with your tongue, or it will strike back straight to your heart, and it's hurt ... bloody hurt.... "
may 27, 2005
Labels: enlightenment
uugghhh ...
betapa inginku rasakan
kepulan asap tembakau melingkar liar
menari-nari di depan mataku
menikmati nikotin merayap
perlahan memenuhi relung paru-paru
yang mulai mencoba mengembang lebih lega
kecil ... nyaris tak terdengar
mencoba berbisik perlahan
putus asa .. menahan
ingat tlah terlontar janji
pada Illahi, dia serta diri
may 21, 2005
Labels: poem
Labels: lyric
Labels: personal life
At the end of this week my yayang will finish her final exam, and I thought both of us needs a joy a little bit. And for sure, what else can beat than spend the whole week end together in Spore?
So… here we are again… s i n g a p o r e . . .
wow … lagi nggak mood buat corat coret nih, laen kali aja deh. Yang pasti I really really enjoy every minute we shared together.
may 06-09, 2005
Labels: journey