scratch from the past

Monday, March 28, 2005

n i k a h

to my dear friend,
I already tried but still cannot answer your question. And I found this from our Holy Quran, so let our God answer it for you, and may this can help the others who have the same dilemma like you.

Dan janganlah kamu nikahi wanita-wanita musyrik, sebelum mereka beriman. Sesungguhnya wanita budak yang mu'min lebih baik dari wanita musyrik, walaupun dia menarik hatimu.
Dan janganlah kamu menikahkan orang-orang musyrik (dengan wanita-wanita mu'min) sebelum mereka beriman.
Sesungguhnya budak yang mu'min lebih baik dari orang musyrik walaupun dia menarik hatimu.
Mereka mengajak ke neraka, sedang Allah mengajak ke surga dan ampunan dengan izin-Nya.
Dan Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya (perintah-perintah-Nya) kepada manusia supaya mereka mengambil pelajaran.

Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe: a slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman. Even though she allure you.
Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: a slave man who believes is better than an unbeliever even though he allure you.
Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire.
But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of Bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: that they may receive admonition.

Al-Baqarah : 221

march 28, 2005


Sunday, March 27, 2005

another sayonara

Here we are again ...
In the car goes to bandara, accompanied by drizzled and Chrisye’s ‘Selamat Jalan Kekasih”
which heard soft in our ears but touch deeply in hearts.

Here we are again ...
Between the gate which will seperate us for a thousand miles, look at each others and promise that we’ll take care of what we have and hope someday we’ll not apart again.

Here I’m again ...
Put my head on the wheel, take a hundred deep breaths and feel tears drop from my eyes weeting my pants.

Here I’m again ...
Alone in the car on the way home, feels very lonely. But this time I only feel lonely not empty, cause my heart is already full of you. And it will remains the same, no matter what.

march 27, 2005


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

b e g o

Just one rhetorical question from my Japanese director when we had a dinner at a very nice place in Balikpapan.

“Why Indonesia is so poor while this country have a very great natural resources? Japan only have earthquake and typhoon but Japan well known as a rich country.

And then he answer his own question, “You know why? Cause most of the Indonesian peoples are bego !!”

Don’t be upset, while he said bego, he didn’t mean stupid but lazy. And guess what? I’m 100% agree.

As a marketing and technical guy at mining area, I’m traveling a lot all around our beloved country.
For the first time I have a pictures that in the remote area like that I’ll meet the honest, helpful and hardworking people, but along the nun of time I starts gradually changed my mind.
For sure I meet hundreds of honest people but helpful .. NO .. hardworking .. NO ..

Again .. most of the Indonesian peoples are bego !!
Are you agree ?

march 23, 2005


Monday, March 21, 2005


sometime in life we face an intersection
whatever decision we take will influence our life direction in the future
input from others is truly nice
but still, only us alone who know exactly the problem we faced
so, what must be done ?

i s t h i k a r a h

march 21, 2005


Monday, March 14, 2005

let the journey continue

Waaaa, it’s been a long time I didn’t write anything to my blog. He he he, buzy buzy buzy.

This time I’m going to singapore again, but not 100% for pleisure coz I have a meeting with my Japanesse big boss at Thursday. The funny things is no one in my office know that I’m going to Singapore, I feel like a agent or something coz the person who sent me to s’pore is my big big boss himself and he mention to me not to tell everyone about my trip.

For sure I didn’t tell my girl about that. And hhhmmm you must see her face when I call her and said that I standing in front of her door. It’s an unforgetable moment when she slowly open the door and saw me with indefinable view, it’s mix between surprise, happy, shock … I can't described it anymore.

After spent five beautiful days together (yup it’s beautiful all the time if u can count starving is a common situation during vacation), hhmm it’s supposed to be only four days, but last night we have a serious discussion so I extend my trip. No no no .. I’m telling a lie, the truth is we have a serious discussion and because of that I miss the flight to Jkt so I need to extend my trip.

He he he, it always happened when I’m with her and I think it's become a habit.

And I’m alone now, she have something to do with her friend, so here I am, writing this blog in her living room, waiting for my plane to go back to Jakarta and thinking about this thing….
‘should I extend one more day?’

March 15, 2005
Yup, finally .. I extend one more day ...
It's really reallly hard to leave my soul mate alone in s'pore, but hey .. the show must go on.
So .. ciaoo and c u at the next trip, soon I hope.

march 14, 2005


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

happy birthday to me

march 8, 1975
march 8, 2005

WOW, I’m 30 now.

Hope I’m not getting older but also getting wiser.

Di hari ultah ini, gw dapet surprise yang amat sangat luar biasa dari yayang. Bener bener nggak keduga bisa dapat present kayak gitu. She’s very amazing ....

Tau nggak di dalam kado ultah dia ada 4 macam hadiah.

  • Baju; Model china warna hitam dijahit entah dimana.
  • Birthday card
  • Limma library card.
  • Dvd.

No 1 –3 ok lah, but gak sampe bikin hati gw melting. Tapi begitu gue liat dvd yang di kasih .... ampuuuuunnnn. Gw nggak nyangka waktu di balik ke Jkt sempet sempetnya dia nyuri nyuri waktu ngumpulin temen temen SD gue dulu en makan di plangi trus ngomongin hal hal tentang gue sambil di handycam-in, walaupun untuk itu dia harus ngebohong sama gw, but ok lah.. kali ini bisa ditolerir.

It’s still ok, yang bikin gw amazed tuh, ada satu anak .. wesda .. dia ikutan dateng, padahal udah hampir 17 tahun gw nggak ketemuan sama dia ... gile gile gile... sumpe deh gw seneng banget ...

Walaupun sempet sebel karena nggak diajak (he he klo gw ikutan nggak surprise lagi dong yah namanya), tapi seneng lah gw bisa nonton dvdnya.

makasih banget banget ya yang for effort dan puisinya
for all my SD friends, thanks a lot guys...

march 8, 2005
